Exclusive Nintendo Switch Bonus: Iguanosaur Avatar and Tiger Skin Badge!
— Key Features —
Distinctive AI
Encounter new bosses as you journey through the campaign, and once you’ve defeated them, you can play against them any time. Evolution’s menu of diverse AI personalities lets you hone your skills and try new strategies!

Strategic yet Streamlined
Evolution is accessible to players of all skill levels, but offers endless strategic possibilities. With thousands of trait combinations to evolve your species, you’ll find creative ways to reach the top of the food chain.
Evolution the Board Game
Evolution is an award-winning board game where 2 – 6 players adapt species in an ever changing ecosystem with hungry predators and limited resources. Traits like Hard Shell and Horns will protect you from Carnivores, while a Long Neck will get food that others cannot reach.
With over 12,000 different species to create, every game becomes a different adventure. So gather your friends and see who can best adapt their species to eat, multiply and thrive!
Evolution has been used in the evolutionary biology department at the University of Oxford and featured in the world’s leading scientific journal, Nature.
Head to northstargames.com, your friendly local game store, or book store to pick up your copy!