New: December Species Avatar is Here!

The final avatar for 2019 is here — Pholidota Vulpus, or as we like to call her, the Pangolin Fox! This tiny, cat-sized fox sports a body of scaled armor to protect herself from predators.  She’s a ferocious little hunter that blends in well in her environment and ambushes her prey from a concealed location….

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November Nobel Avatar is Live!

November is Here!  Are you prepared to tackle the climb to the top? Discover the tiny but ferocious Sinosauropteryx when you reach Nobel Laureate in November, and show it off to your opponents! We like to think of this little guy as the bird-lizard hybrid of the prehistoric era. A small but a very effective…

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Rankings Get Real

Salutations, Explorers! We’ve got big changes going into effect for the start of the October Tournament Today.   Yes, we’ve got a gorgeous new Hackbill avatar for you Nobel Laureates to covet, but we’re also making two changes to ELO Scores: 1.  ELO score penalties for quitting games Players intentionally leaving a game will be treated as…

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